You should use "-data" and "-configuration" parameters instead. I saw that "RSSOwlPortable\App\RSSOwl\Configuation\config.ini" has been modified.
#Rssowl portable portable
May I suggest a few updates on Portable Edition of RSSOwl ?ġ) You shouldn't change any file in RSSOwl distribution located in folder "RSSOwlPortable\App\RSSOwl". Thanks you for starting the portable edition of this amazing RSS Reader.

Updated launcher to correctly pass Additional Parameters from the ini file.Download RSSOwl Portable 2M9 Development Test 4 Plus, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your news aggregator wherever you go. It has all the same great features as RSSOwl including OPML support, bookmarks, blogrolls and more. Application: RSSOwl Category: Internet Description: RSSOwl Portable is the popular RSSOwl news/RSS aggregator packaged with a Launcher as a portable app, so you can work with news feeds from an iPod, USB flash drive, portable hard drive, CD or any other portable media.